General functionalities

The SPP(v1.1) profile emulates a serial cable to provide a simple substitute for existing RS-232.

It is possible to open up to two SPP connections.

Once connected, you can send data using the SEND or SEND_RAW commands or you can enter in Data mode and everything that will be received over UART will be transferred seamlessly (see Operating Modes).

Data received over SPP are showed with the RECV notification.

Command over SPP

It is possible to send commands over SPP, you need to add a Carriage Return character add the end of your string (SPP example).

SPP High Speed

Data transfer can be speeded up to 700kbps with the High Speed feature. This feature is enabled in the HIGH_SPEED config. The audio is disabled when using this feature. Please note that it takes approx 500ms to load the feature. Data received over UART during this time is handled after that the feature is loaded. A one second delay should be added after the last character sent over UART before exiting Data mode to ensure that it is sent to the remote device.