Operating Modes

Audio Agent has two operating mode which define the way the data coming from UART (or USB) is processed. By default Audio Agent is in Command mode.

Command mode

In this mode, Audio Agent parses the commands received over UART and executes them. This allows controlling and configuring Audio Agent.

Data mode

If one or more BLE or SPP link are established, the user can enter Data Mode for any of these links to be able to transfer data without having to use a command. The raw data received through the connection is seamlessly transferred to the UART interface and vice versa. The UART interface is hence exclusively dedicated to this mode and Audio Agent won’t parse any command expect the special sequence “$$$$” to exit Data mode. UART flow control should be enabled to use this feature. Note that it is still possible to interact with Audio Agent by using another link (BLE or SPP) to send commands. If Audio Agent is in Data mode and the connection is closed, it returns automatically to Command mode. To switch between Data and Command mode the following commands can be used:

Operating mode commands


Switch from:

Switch to:


Data Mode

Command Mode


Command Mode

Data Mode

Alternatively, if GPIO control is disabled, PIO_5 can also be used to enter or exit Data mode (see PIO functionalities). Please note that events are not notified over UART in Data mode but it is possible to configure PIO_4 to be raised on specific events.