Hello Luca,
Unfortunatelly, you need to send a few UART commands for the module to Inquire for close by devices and pair and open a connection.
So you would need a small microcontroller. IOT747 does provide firmware customisation but you need to contact info@iot747.com
Sorry for the delay.
1. ADVERTISING ON and you shoudl be able to see the device using the IOT747 Scanner application (On Android or iOS). ex: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/iot747-scanner/id1602815563 for iOS
2. WRITE command can be used at the end. When you use the WRITE command, it writes all the current configuration parameters to the Flash.
3. Yes, by default, the IDC747 powers on while Advertising. So no need to turn OFF>
IN BLE mode, you have the indication (reliable but slower channel with confirmation of packets received) or notification (faster but with no acknowledgement). In Data mode and indication, the bit rate is over 100kbit/s. You can select indication or notification in BLE_CONFIG.
Yes, these 2 modules are pin to pin compatible
Hello Jonathan,
Please refer to the IDC747 which is the easiest replacement for IDC747. The command manual and data sheet are at https://www.iot747.com/documents/.. We suggest to get an IDC747-DISKIT to get familiar with the module before designing it in.