Yes, the CVC is included with the IDC777. You can enable or disable it using the first parameter of HFP_CONFIG. There is no manual about it. You simply enable it and it will do the echo cancellation and noise suppression. If tuning is needed, we can provide the service but it is a paid service. We suggest you simply try it first and see if it is good enough. Also, you have to make sure that your mechanical design is good (i.e. microphone away from the speaker).
With the IDC777, the CVC is already included. So you do not need a license. It is enabeld by default (Look under HFP_CONFIG).
So it shoudl work as before. Thanks.
Some Zen headphones have old firmware that does not work wit Unicast. They have been unstable generally. Please try and upgrade your headphones firmware using the Creative App and that usually would make it work.
Sorry about the late response. the IDC777 has the same software interface and has LE Audio (Auracast and Unicast) as well as Classic. So it has the same functionalities as IDC747 with new ones and a longer life expectancy. However, it is not pin to pin compatible. Please email me at marta@iot747.com if you need more information. As we dont; actively monitor the forum.
Thansk for the update. Hope all is working now. IOT747
The thermistor will need to be connected to AIO0
Please refer to the new maual and Datasheet on the IDC777. BATT_CONFIG will allow you the charging voltage levels and charging current level. BATTERY_STATUS will give you all the information about the battery.
Hi Marcin,
Yes, sorry, we had to discontinue IDC747 because the Qualcomm part in this module has been discontinued. This came to a surprise.
So unfortuantely, you have to move to the IDC777. The IDC777 has the same API as IDC747. It is very close to the BC127. You can see the commands at: https://www.iot747.com/download/idc747-uart-command-manual/
The IDC777 is the same as IDC747 in terms of features but it has LE AUdio (Auracast and Unicast) features. You can see how some of the commands work at the video section also: https://www.iot747.com/user-videos/
Hi Dirk,
Can you try AA3061D: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArxXgcuMmkOHla0y2huU87im9pVCWg?e=mAOreC?
This shoudl have it fixed. It is also on the Cloud if you are doing upgrade over Bluetooth.
Hi, Yes, I have manaed to reproduce the issue using 2 DISKITs.
If the IDC777 is doing the OPEN
You don’t need a thermistor to charge the battery. Please upgrade to the latest firmware and using BATT_CONFIG and BATTERY_STATUS commands, you shoudl be able to check that it is charging as expected.
You don’t need a thermistor to charge the battery. Please upgrade to the latest firmware and using BATT_CONFIG and BATTERY_STATUS commands, you shoudl be able to check that it is charging as expected.
You don’t need a thermistor to charge the battery. Please upgrade to the latest firmware and using BATT_CONFIG and BATTERY_STATUS commands, you shoudl be able to check that it is charging as expected.
You don’t need a thermistor to charge the battery. Please upgrade to the latest firmware and using BATT_CONFIG and BATTERY_STATUS commands, you shoudl be able to check that it is charging as expected.
I am not sure I understand your set-up. Could you please explain:
SetUp1: This is an IDC777 Module installed in a prototype (Host). The Host opens an UTXV with an IDC777 in a IDC777-DISKIT (Device). You do not get any I2S out from the IDC777 module in the Host?
SetUp2: The IDC777-DISKIT is the host (Host). The Host opens a UTVX with an IDC777 module in a prototype. You get I2S out from the IDC777 in the prototype?
Is that correct? Please send your UART logs on both side.
Please note that:
1) You must pair from the side that will be the host and do the OPEN
2) To get I2S signal, you need to SET AUDIO=1 1 and also, you need to have AUDIO_DIGITAL configured to be the Master (if you want the board to generate the clock)
3) Make sure you get the latest firmware version. Do you use AA-Flasher?