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    • #732


        We are looking for a solution to replace a BC127 or WT32i.

        Need something that has UART, PCM Audio (slaved @ 2048 kHz. The other device will provide the clock) , external antenna hookup , and supports Bluetooth Hands Free Audio Gateway Profile.

      • #733

        IOT747 Team

          Hello Jonathan,
          Please refer to the IDC747 which is the easiest replacement for IDC747. The command manual and data sheet are at https://www.iot747.com/documents/.. We suggest to get an IDC747-DISKIT to get familiar with the module before designing it in.

        • #737


            Yes, the IDC747 is pin to pin compatible with the BC127

          • #1138


              And we are right now in the situation, where we’d like to replace a BC127 in a design that we do not wish to change otherwise.
              First we thought that the IDC747 would be the solution, but now (as of October 1, 2024) the IDC747 is tagged discontinued.
              Do you have any suggestion?

            • #1164

              IOT747 Team

                Sorry about the late response. the IDC777 has the same software interface and has LE Audio (Auracast and Unicast) as well as Classic. So it has the same functionalities as IDC747 with new ones and a longer life expectancy. However, it is not pin to pin compatible. Please email me at marta@iot747.com if you need more information. As we dont; actively monitor the forum.

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