We were using CVC with BC127 before and we would like to keep on using this feature as it helps a lot with quality of the input audio. Is this information here up to date?
Ie. to get a CVC license, the solution is to go over Blue Creation / Sierra Wireless? Do you have any 3rd party distributors to recommend it?
Thanks a lot and best regards,
With the IDC777, the CVC is already included. So you do not need a license. It is enabeld by default (Look under HFP_CONFIG).
So it shoudl work as before. Thanks.
Thank you for your response!
1) Do I get it right that the Qualcomm CVC license is include with IDC777?
2) Could you recommend the source/manual to understand the configuration keys to be used with CVC_CFG?
Thanks a lot,
Yes, the CVC is included with the IDC777. You can enable or disable it using the first parameter of HFP_CONFIG. There is no manual about it. You simply enable it and it will do the echo cancellation and noise suppression. If tuning is needed, we can provide the service but it is a paid service. We suggest you simply try it first and see if it is good enough. Also, you have to make sure that your mechanical design is good (i.e. microphone away from the speaker).
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