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    • #883


        Hello, I am Jaytee KIM from the South Korean company Osteosys ( I have three inquiries as follows:

        1. Regarding iOS Connection with IDC747 Model:
        I understand that enabling BLE profiles on the BC127 model should allow connections from iOS devices. However, IDC747 does not appear in the search list on iOS devices with the settings provided below. Only Android connections are possible via SPP profiles. What options need to be changed to enable searching and connection from iOS devices?

        2. Concerning the ‘Write’ Command:
        For the ‘Write’ command, should it be used redundantly as shown below, or is it sufficient to use it just once before the final operation?

        3. Regarding Advertising Behavior on Module Restart:
        In the case of the previous BC127 model, if the device was restarted while the module was advertising, it resulted in a fail state. The module needed to be turned off, then advertising turned back on. Is it now possible to simply turn advertising back on without the need to turn it off first?

        Thank you for your assistance.


        set NAME=BeeTLe
        set NAME_SHORT=BeeTLe

        SET BT_CONFIG=1 2 2
        SET BLE_CONFIG=150 ON OFF 2 0 1A

        SET PROFILES=OFF 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
        SET UART_CONFIG=38400 ON 0

        advertising off
        advertising on

        • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by KIM JUNG TAE.
        • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by KIM JUNG TAE.
      • #920

        IOT747 Team

          Sorry for the delay.
          1. ADVERTISING ON and you shoudl be able to see the device using the IOT747 Scanner application (On Android or iOS). ex: for iOS
          2. WRITE command can be used at the end. When you use the WRITE command, it writes all the current configuration parameters to the Flash.
          3. Yes, by default, the IDC747 powers on while Advertising. So no need to turn OFF>

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